  • 期刊

"Nichtrührer"? Die Frage der Jugend in Herta Müllers Romanen Der Mensch ist ein großer Fasan auf der Welt, Der Fuchs war damals schon der Jäger und Atemschaukel



The prose of the Romanian-German author and Nobel Prize winner for literature Herta Müller, is known for its ambiguity. Besides the period of a childhood in Romania under Ceauşescu, she has employed the period of youth in her prose. In the following, passages of her texts are to be examined by way of close reading in order to unfold Herta Müller's narration of 'youth.' In the German language the term "Jugend" can describe 'youth' as a period of time, a group of young people, as well as a condition. Text passages from one of Müller's early literary stories, The Passport (1986) in the version without censorship from 2009, as well as excerpts from the novel The Fox Was Ever the Hunter from the year 1992, and the Nobel Prize novel Breath Swing (or The Hunger Angel) from 2009 are analyzed. Thus, in the story The Passport, among other things, the life of a young woman is described, in an episode of her novel The Fox Was Ever the Hunter young soldiers playing games, and Müller's hitherto last novel Breath Swing tells in particular of the life of a young man in a labor camp. With regard to Müller's novels, the issue of youth will be revealed as an important nexus of knowledge about phases of life.




‚§ 105 Anwendung des Jugendstrafrechts auf Heranwachsende‘, Bundesamt für Justiz, https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/jgg/__105.html [22.02.2019].
‚Armata Româna‘, Enciclopedia României, http://enciclopediaromaniei.ro/wiki/Armata_Rom%C3%A2n%C4%83#Istoric [04.03.2019].
‚Armata Română‘, Wikiwand, http://www.wikiwand.com/de/Armata_Rom%C3%A2n%C4%83[01.03.2019].
Andresen, Sabine (2013): Konstruktionen von Kindheit in Zeiten gesellschaftlichen Wandels. In: Christine Hunner-Kreisel und Manja Stephan (Hg.), Neue Räume, neue Zeiten. Kindheit und Familie im Kontext von (Trans-)Migration und sozialem Wandel. Wiesbaden, Springer, S. 21-32
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