  • 期刊

Pre - hospital Needs Assessment for Emergency Medical Technician Practice in Taiwan




背景:民國84年通過的緊急醫療救護法為我國救護技術員訓練的法源依據,本研究的目的在評估該法所規定的法律架構及內容。 方法:參加內政部消防署第一期緊急醫療救護訓練教官班之學員為問卷調查對象,評估緊急醫療救護法所規定的救護技術。 結果:50位學生中有43份問卷回收,其中39份為有效問卷。被認為最重要且經常使用的技術均為初級救護技術員的範圍,而被認為一般重要的技術中,除了協助生產、心理支持、血壓測量及使用脫困裝置是屬於初級救護技術員之技術外,其餘均為中級救護技術員之技術,抗休克褲及催吐則被認為重要性最低的技術。我們的評估也發現反應時間仍然被認為是目前緊急醫療救護系統最重要的運作指標。 結論:如何發展一個實際、符合成本效益及到院前對病患有利的緊急醫療救護法律規範仍是一個需要持續努力的目標。


Background: Since 1995 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training in Taiwan has been based on the Emergency Medical Care Act. The effectiveness of this legal framework and curriculum has not been analyzed and this is the aim have. Methods: A survey instrument, which was a summary of the skills required by the Act, was given to instructor candidates during their final evaluation and they were asked to rank the importance of the skills. Results: There were 50 students with 43 responded (86 %) and 39 responses could be evaluated. The skills that were ranked as most important and frequently used all belonged to the category of EMT basic skills. Of those ranked as average in importance, normal birth, reassurance, blood pressure measurement, use of Kendrich Extrication Devices (KED) and extrication were EMT basic level, while the others were intermediate level. The use of the pneumatic anti-shock garments and ipecac administration may need to be re-evaluated. Our survey also demonstrated that response time measurement is considered to be the most important index for current EMS performance. Conclusions: All skills ranked as important were 'basic level skills. A number of skills ranked as least important require re-evaluation and it may be necessary to amend the Act. Developing a practical, cost-effective, and beneficial guidelines for advanced life support in prehospital settings has continued to be challenges.
