  • 期刊

Spinal Injury and Driving Behavior of Motorcycle Riders in Motorcycle Accidents




目的:以單一醫院病患爲基礎,比較與摩托車相關之交通意外所引起之脊椎及非脊椎損傷病患,其駕駛特性、騎乘/情緒狀態,以及撞擊之類型。 方法:利用半開放式問卷、面談摩托車相關之意外後50名脊椎損傷摩托車之駕駛患者,與50名非脊椎損傷摩托車之駕駛患者。問卷中主要變項包括駕駛者之背景、騎乘時之生理及情緒狀況、旅程之特性、安全帽之使用或其他特殊衣著,以及摩托車車禍之種類。 結果:在兩組內約只有三分之一的病人有駕照,而且大部分都認爲在旅途中他們是感覺警覺且愉悅。更多的脊椎受傷患者比非脊椎受傷患者會有摩托車意外的經驗,且脊椎受傷患者多前面撞擊。本研究之結果顯示有可能由於警覺性不足、情緒放鬆以及對路況的熟悉使病人對自身需要面對不可預知的危險之警覺性是否足夠產生錯誤判斷。 結論:本研究結果所顯示之社會心理層面,駕駛者對交通規條及安全之態度,以及撞擊之種類,有助於計劃將來做相關研究之計劃者提出數個新的方向。


Background: The aim of this study was to compare hospital-based spinal injury and non-spinal injury patients following motorcycle-related accidents in Taiwan in terms of the motorcyclists' characteristics, riding/mood state and type of collision. Methods: Fifty patients who had sustained spinal injuries and 50 non-spinal injury patients following motorcycle-related accidents were interviewed directly using a semi-structured questionnaire. The main variables in the questionnaire included the rider's background, physical and emotional condition during the ride, the characteristics of the journey, the use of a helmet or other special clothing and the type of motorcycle accident. Results: Approximately one third of the patients in both groups had a driver's license, and the majority of them in both groups reported that they were feeling alert and/or happy during the journey. A larger proportion of the spinal-injury patients than the non-spinal injury patients had previously experienced a motorcycle accident and more spinal-injured patients had undergone a frontal impact as a result of their motorcycle riding. The results raise the possibility that insufficient alertness, being emotionally relaxed and over-familiarity might have led to misjudgment by the patients of the arousal level required for a swift response to an unexpected danger. Conclusion: The psychosocial measures, riders' attitudes towards safety and traffic regulations, and the types of collision revealed in the present study help to identify several new directions for future research.
