  • 期刊


The Impact of Dispatch System on Emergency Medical Service Time


背景:目前,台灣地區接受民眾救護報案大多由救護指揮中心集中受理,再派遣各分隊救護技術人員出勤。少數縣市則仍由各所在地分隊消防救護人員自行受理辦案。許多危急傷病患,如果救護技術人員能及早抵達現場,給與適當的處置,維持基本的呼吸循環現象,並爭取時問,將病患運送至適合的醫療院所,不僅能減少病患的死亡率,也可讓病患有較好的預後。本研究將比較集中受理報案或是分區各自受理報案,是否對緊急醫療救護的時效性有所影響。 方法:民國九十六年一月至六月期間,收集五個縣市各分隊出勤救護之平均反應時間、平均救護時間、及平均行駛時間進行t-test與ANOVA統計分析。集中受理報案地區以桃園縣、新竹縣、及高雄縣為代表;分隊自行受理報案地區則以台中縣及南投縣為代表。 結果:在平均反應時間及平均行駛時間方面,集中受理報案地區與分隊自行受理報案地區統計上並沒有差異。集中受理報案地區的平均救護時間則較分隊自行受理報案地區長。 結論:集中受理報案或分區自行受理報案兩者之間並未對出勤時間或是傷病患的運送有所影響。爾後,『緊急醫療管理系統』修正時,可以考慮將各時間段落重新切割定義,這樣才能真正了解救護技術員出勤時各項時間分布,以利資料收集與分析,改進緊急醫療救護品質。


Backgound: In most counties of Taiwan, when people call for emergency medical service, the dispatch center will answer all the call, and then assigns the duty to the local fire station. Some local fire stations in a small number of counties still answer the emergency medical service call by themselves without connecting with the dispatch center. Our research focused on the delay time between these 2 dispatch systems. Material and Method: From January to June in 2007, we collected the data from ”the emergency medical control system” set-up by Department of Health, Executive Yuan, including the response time, the scene stay time, and the transport time. The central dispatch system was found in Taoyuan County, Hsihchu county, and the Kaohsiung county. The local fire station dispatch system was found in Taichung county and Nantou county. Results: Only the scene stay time showed the statistically significant difference between these 2 emergency medical service call systems. Conclusion: The delay time between these 2 dispatch systems does not show statistically significant difference. We suggest the further emergency medical control system verifies to clarify the data meanings to improve the emergency medical service.


dispatch emergency medical service time
