  • 期刊


Innovative Medical and Nursing Informatics Curriculum-CSCW in Problem Based Learning



醫學資訊與護理資訊(醫護資訊)教育是隨著資訊科技精進、普及而日趨重要的教育課題,也是資訊教育一新興的分枝。醫學與護理(醫護)科系學生及醫護專業人員除了醫護專業臨床知識外,面對複雜的電腦醫療設施及多樣化電腦資訊需求,如何強化使用資訊資源及電腦設備的技能來提昇醫護品質實為醫護人員面對二十一世紀資訊洪流的挑戰。目前我國醫護資訊教育雖已列為必修課程,然因受限國內軟硬體設備資源,我國醫護資訊課程仍在起步規劃中。本研究之目的是針對醫護資訊教育提出以Computer Supported Cooperative Work(CSCW)為架構的問題導向學習(Problem-Based Learning,PBL)的教學模式,期能以醫護臨床相關問題為題綱透過Computer-Mediated Communications(CMC)電腦媒體通訊工具來激發學生共同思考,腦力激盪尋求完滿之解答,並藉此教學模式學生可相互學習並提高學習興趣來彌補醫護理論與資訊運用無法關連之遺憾。電腦支援問題導向教學除了能提供醫護資訊教育有效的教導學生運用電腦系統資源,培養資訊技能及訓練學生研究、思考的能力外,並為日後終身學習奠下基礎。本研究的第一部份將討論醫護資訊的領域,第二部份則說明目前我國醫護資訊課程模組,第三部份則提出醫護問題導向學習的教學模式,最後部份則為本研究之結論。


Medical and Nursing informatics are increasing driven by information technology. The graduates from medical and nursing facing informative challenges to use information and technology to improve the patient care process and medical care. The challenge to faculty of medical and nursing informatics is to construct an evolving informatics curriculum to provide medical and nursing professionals with the foundation of computer information literacy. This research presents the design and implementation of an innovative medical and nursing informatics curriculum. The framework of the research is to integrate Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Problem-based Learning (PBL). The research has following aims, (1) employs PBL and cooperating learning to enhance students learning outcomes of medical and nursing informatics, (2) integrates professional knowledge and information technology to improve medical and nursing clinical skills, (3) develops life long learning skills in computer based information retrieval for medical and nursing professional. Following a brief review of medical and nursing informatics literatures and development, the second part of research discusses the medical and nursing informatics curriculum in Taiwan, and the weakness of curriculum. The third part of research presents an innovative medical and nursing informatics curriculum design as well as implementation. General conclusions of the study are presented in the final part of research.


