  • 期刊


The Effect of Transdermal Estradiol on Hormone in Menopausal Women



停經和卵巢切除婦女都會因荷爾蒙的缺少或過多,使身體許多系統發生改變,而以口服荷爾蒙來作為補充療法是相當普及的。最近幾年醫療單位開始採用經皮動情激素貼片(Estraderm TIS)治療。經皮動情激素貼片為含有雌素二醇(Estradiol- E2)的經皮治療貼片,病患使用方便。雖然國外研究經皮動情激素治療已有許多成果,但是國內引進此方式治療於台灣婦女身上,仍屬萌芽階段,極少學者研究在經皮動情激素治療之後,血中荷爾蒙的變化效果。因此我們以經皮動情激素貼片劑型,做為荷爾蒙替代療法的投藥途徑,病患分為A、B二組。 A組共22位停經婦女,於門診接受每週二次的經皮動情激素貼片治療,為期長達3個月,其間有5位病患因為無法忍受皮膚搔癢的副作用而中止此項療程,其餘17位則完成所有療程以及血清測定。病患定期於使用前以及使用後的3個月內,分別固定每隔一個月抽血測定血中荷爾蒙數值。病患治療結果在荷爾蒙的測定方面,均比使用貼片之前具有顯著差異,其中雌素二醇(E2)明顯增加,而濾泡刺激素(FSH)、黃體生成素(LH)呈明顯降低現象,尤以第三個月效果最佳,表示使用貼片治療確實能有效地改善病患的荷爾蒙。 B組共5位婦女,為婦科疾病而接受子宮全切除以及兩側輸卵管、卵巢全切除的婦女,病患於術後14天開始接受經皮動情激素貼片的使用,病患於使用前先抽血測定血中荷爾蒙數值(E2、FSH、LH),並於貼上經皮動情激素貼片後的48小時內,再間隔抽血測定血中荷爾蒙的數值。根據結果顯示E2和FSH均比使用貼片之前具有顯著差異,並於第24小時達到最高值。 總而言之,對於停經和卵巢切除的婦女使用經皮動情激素貼片治療,能有效地補充各項荷爾蒙,實不失為最佳荷爾蒙補充療法。


Although various regiments of hormonal replacement therapy(HRT)have been established, HRT can certainly be improved in several ways. Estraderm TTS, a transdermal delivery system of estradiol (E2), was applied to two group of menopausal women. The A group included twenty-two menopausal women followed at gynecological OPD. The transdermal patch was applied to the arms, legs and lower abdomen twice a week. Serum hormone levels (such as E2、FSH 、LH )were measured before skin patches were used and one, two, and three months after application. Seventeen of the twenty-two women completed the treatment course while the other five women could not tolerate the skin irritation. The investigation noted a significant increase in E2 serum levels as well as a significant decline in FSH , LH serum levels. The B group included five menopausal women, who used patches fourteen days after a bilateral oophrectomy. This study also evaluated short-term changes of E2, FSH, and LH. Despite the side effect of skin irritation, the transdermal delivery system of estradiol remains a good regiment of HRT.


