  • 期刊


From the Chinese-French Translation to the Study of the French Participle Clause


漢語和法語最大的區別在於漢語為「意合性」語言,法語為「形合性」語言。而法語的分詞子句由於具有多重廣義的特性,語句間的邏輯關係,依賴「上下文」、「語意」加以貫穿組合,堪稱法語少數具有中文「意合」概念的句法架構。 基於其罕有的意合特性,法語的分詞子句無疑是將漢語「無關聯詞組」、「隱含性」強的句群,翻譯成法語時的一項絕佳的選擇。本文中,作者企圖從漢譯法的角度,將法語的分詞子句做一系統化的整理,藉此對法語分詞子句在漢法語際轉換時的角色有進一步的認知,以在翻譯時寫出更符合譯入語句章精神的譯文。


In French, the participle clause contains multiple semantic characteristics, such as the reason, the goal, the condition, and so on, and the sentence logical relation relies on ”the context”. The participle clause is the rare syntax construction, which possess the similar ”parataxis” concept in Chinese. For this reason, the participle clause is without doubt the best choice for translating a non connecting word phrase of Chinese. In this article, the author attempts to systematize, from the angle of Chinese-French translation, the French participle clause, so that their translation work could be more corresponding to the sytaxic spirit of the target language. In French, the participle clause contains multiple semantic characteristics, such as the reason, the goal, the condition, and so on, and the sentence logical relation relies on ”the context”. The participle clause is the rare syntax construction, which possess the similar ”parataxis” concept in Chinese. For this reason, the participle clause is without doubt the best choice for translating a non connecting word phrase of Chinese. In this article, the author attempts to systematize, from the angle of Chinese-French translation, the French participle clause, so that their translation work could be more corresponding to the sytaxic spirit of the target language.


Chinese French parataxis hypotaxis participle clause translation
