  • 期刊

Problemática de las Oraciones Sustantivas en la Docencia-aprendizaje del Español como Lengua Extranjera. Análisis Contrastivo y Sugerencias Didácticas

Nominal Phrases Problems on Spanish Teaching and Learning as a Foreign Language. Contrastive Analysis and Teaching Suggestions




Spanish and Chinese belong to Indo-European and Sino-Tibetan language systems respectively. The Chinese language does not contain word markers found in Spanish. Hence, Taiwanese university students often encounter difficulties when studying Spanish grammar, especially in nominal phrases.This article uses the Contrastive Analysis teaching method in order to understand the differences between Chinese and Spanish nominal phrases. It also allows students to distinguish clearly and in detail the difference in usage between Indicative and Subjunctive verbal moods. Hopefully, this method will be meaningful and successful in enabling Spanish learners in Taiwan to understand the functions of the direct object, indirect object, subject and prepositional complements in nominal phrases.


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