  • 期刊


The Formation and Development of the Daoist Conferred Titles System since the beginning of the Song and Yuan Dynasties




朝封 道封 官僚模式 張天師 昇神籙 封神籙


In traditional Chinese religious beliefs, there are three ways for gods to conferred titles. They are the conferring of the imperial court(chaofeng 朝封), the conferring of Daoism(Daofeng 道封), and the conferring of the populace(minfeng 民封). All three approaches have their effectiveness and importance. But the conferring of titles by the imperial court and the conferring of titles by Daoism involve an external authority. The authority of the imperial court to confer titles is the imperial court that controls the secular power, while the authority of Daoist to confer titles is the supernatural celestial imperial court, and is often granted by its agents in the mortal world, Zhang Tianshi(張天師) and Daoist. So it is quite curious about the respective authorities in these two ways and what their relationship. In particular, since there is a way for the imperial court to confer titles, why is another way of Daoism formed ? And how did Daoist titles conferring become a socially recognized way to present titles of gods ? Therefore, this article hopes to address this issue, have a discussion. Based on the Daoist literature and some notebook novels from the Song and Yuan Dynasties, this paper argues that the formation of the Daoist titles conferring system was produced under the interaction of these factors: the needs of the civil society at that time, the promotion of the status and authority of Zhang Tianshi, and the purpose of the emerging Method School(Faapai 法派) for legitimacy. Is the existence and effectiveness of this system fully recognized by the government ? The Song and Yuan dynasties are not very clear, but after the Ming Dynasty, it can be speculated that the official knew about the existence of the Daoist titles conferring system, and may also recognize that it has the same effect as Imperial Court titles conferring system.


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