  • 期刊


An Experimental Research about the Recall of Geometrical Patterns


本研究提出研究假設:對稱圖形比不對稱圖形有較好的重製回憶,透過實驗設計:「圖形重製實驗」以心理實驗法驗證之。「圖形重製實驗」過程是以16個分別具有不同對稱性與非對稱的學習圖形,透過受測者重新再製圖形的程序,記錄32名受試者在1.5秒的學習時間及60秒的重製時間內,對稱圖形是否較容易被記憶與學習,而有較高的重製率。實驗結果發現受測者所重製的512個圖形,在16個學習的圖形中,對稱的學習圖形以17.72%個正確重製率,高於不對稱學習圖形的1.57%個正確重製率。在圖形的對稱形式上,以同時具有點與線對稱圖形(SymPL放射對稱)的39.06%重製率,高於其他各類圖形,軸(線)對稱圖形(SymL鏡映對稱)以12.51%重製率次之,重製率最少的則為點對稱(SymP旋轉對稱)與不對稱圖形(N),各為1.57%。 因此,由實驗結果得知,在相同時間控制下,透過圖形的回憶重製實驗發現,具有對稱性質的學習圖形被重製正確的數量高於不對稱的學習圖形,其中以同時具有點與線對稱(SymPL)的放射對稱圖形重製的正確數量最多。研究假設:對稱圖形比不對稱圖形有較好的重製回憶性,經過實驗研究獲得了初步驗證。


對稱 圖形重製


In the present study we applied a visual pattern reproduction task to check the hypothesis which states that symmetrical patterns are easier to be recalled than nonsymmetrical patterns. Sixteen geometric patterns with different kinds of structural composition were each displayed for 1.5 seconds to 32 human subjects, and subjects' recollections to those patterns were then tested by asking them to reproduce those patterns with chips of basic geometric units during a 60-second period. The results showed that the overall correct-reproduction rate for symmetrical patterns was significantly higher than that of nonsymmetrical patterns (17.72% over 1.57%). Patterns with a point-and-line symmetry structure were reproduced best (39.06% correct), and patterns with a line symmetry structure were the next (12.51%). Nonsymmetrically structured patterns, along with those patterns with a point-symmetry structure, had the lowest reproduction rates (1.57%). Those findings only partially support the hypothesis, and more studies are necessary in the future.


Symmetry Pattern reproduction Recall
