  • 期刊


Expectation Effect in Color Constancy under Different Illuminant Color Temperature Cues


在一項以色彩恆常爲認知目標的色彩配對任務中,在不影響觀看目標的情況下,用來暗示受測者的環境色溫,被視爲自變數;而受測者的色彩恆常表現,被視爲依變數。據此,二項假設被提出:(1)漠視假設(Disregard hypothesis),表示受測者不會受到色溫暗示的影響,色彩恆常的表現呈現一致;(2)預期假設(Expectation hypothesis),表示受測者受到色溫暗示的影響,色彩恆常的表現呈現高估或低估。若以PCCS色相環和2700K的測試光源爲基準,研究結果顯示:(1)相對於環境色溫的類似色相(相距60°)容易被高估,支持預期假設;(2)與環境色溫相同的同一色相(相距0°)仰賴明度排序;(3)相對於環境色溫的對比色相(相距120°)是支持漠視假設的關鍵;(4)色溫暗示下的預期效應,在色彩估計趨勢方面存在著一種規律性,值得後續研究;(5)以電腦設備爲主的設計專業環境中,色溫暗示對於螢幕的色彩認知干擾有著顯著效果,環境色溫有被嚴格管控的必要。


In a color-matching task where the cognitive goal is color constancy, environmental illuminant color temperature was used as a cue for the subjects and treated as an independent variable while not affecting the viewing of the target itself. The subjects' color constancy performance was then treated as the dependent variable. This was then used to propose two hypotheses: (1) Disregard hypothesis-the subject is not affected by the color temperature cues and color constancy performance is constant; (2) Expectation hypothesis-indicates that the subject is influenced by the color temperature cues so over-estimates or under-estimates color constancy performance. With the PCCS color wheel and the test illuminant of 2700K as the baseline, the results of the study showed that: (1) Relative to the environment color temperature, similar hues separated by 60o tend to lead to over-estimation support for the Expectation hypothesis; (2) Identical hues separated by 0o depend on the lightness orders; (3) Relative to the environment color temperature, contrasting hues separated by 120o offer strong support for the Disregard hypothesis; (4) For the Expectation effect with color temperature cues, there is some kind of order to the trends in color estimation that is worth further study; (5) In a professional design environment centered around computer equipment, color temperature cues interfere significantly with the perception of color shown on the screen. There is therefore a need to strictly regulate the environmental illuminant color temperature.


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