  • 期刊


The Factor and Process of Environmental Influence on Students' Imagination Stimulation in the Field of Visual Communication Design




The key to the success of the design lies in the capacity of creative thinking. Imagination is the basis for cultivating creative thinking, and thus the driving force of innovation. This study aimed to analyze what environmental factors can stimulate imagination and explore how these factors stimulate imagination in different design phases. The research targets were students in the field of visual communication design. In this study, ”imagination” referred specifically to ”the process of transforming the inner imagery of visual design school students when they face a design task.” The research team divided the design process into three phases: problem definition and design analysis, concept design and sketching, and production and communication. Influences in the learning environment were deconstructed into four factors: physical, organizational, socially constructed, and human aggregate. Our results indicated that the socially constructed and organizational factors have the greatest influences. These effects were seen in the design process, especially in the phase one (problem definition and design analysis) and with a lesser effect in the phase three (production and communication). How do we help our students construct imagery through the external learning environment? How do we help them facilitate the development of these memories? How do we help them translate their images into professional design capabilities? As educators in the field of visual communication design, all of these are crucial challenges for us to face.


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