  • 期刊


Privacy Protection for Publicly Available Personal Data- Privacy Protection Issues of Sunshine Judiciary Website


2015年11月17日民間司法改革基金會召開記者會發布「司法陽光網」上線服務。司法陽光網可供查詢司法官個人資訊,包含姓名、司法官訓練期別、性別、學經歷、職務經歷、獎懲記錄、相關新聞評論。惟該網站的設置引起司法官體系的群起反彈及部分法律學者的批評,認為此公開司法官個資的行為,恐違反個人資料保護法。此案例所衍生之隱私侵害爭議,適足突顯了傳統隱私保護理論下所發展而出的「公開/私密」二分法隱私保護標準,在新興資訊科技發展的影響下,應予修正。美國法院實務近年來所發展之馬賽克理論(mosaic theory),強調個資經過堆疊、組合、分析後,可能產生新的隱私保護需求(或新的隱私傷害可能);傳統認為已公開個資不具合理隱私期待保護,應有修正之必要。職此,倘若司法陽光網設置合法性的理由主張,僅是「陽光網所揭露者皆屬於可公開找尋的資訊」,則論理上並不夠完備,進而會造成在司法陽光網的建置上,忽略資料堆疊可能造成的隱私傷害。關於馬賽克理論的引介運用,本文主張個人資料保護法第19條第1項第7款但書規定,是個可使用的立法媒介,以藉此有效因應科技發展在個資堆疊分析技術上,對於隱私保護所形成的新威脅。


In a press conference on November 17, 2015, the Judicial Reform Foundation announced the launch of the new website named Sunshine Judiciary-Know Your Judge. The website displays a personal profile for all Taiwanese judges and prosecutors, which contains their names, year of completion of judicial training, gender, education and professional experiences, award and disciplinary records, and a link to all media comments about the judge and prosecutor that is being searched. The judicial community sparked outrage toward the launch of the website; a number of law scholars also criticized that the website’s disclosure of judge’s personal information might have breached the Taiwanese Personal Data Protection Act. The growing privacy debate over the Sunshine Judiciary website mainly lies on the unsolved issue that whether the personal profi les posted on the Sunshine Judiciary website-generated from publicly available personal dataconstitute privacy invasion. This case has revealed the insufficiency of the traditional notion for privacy protection which adopts the dichotomy method to decide privacy protection, depending on whether the issue at stake involves public space or private realms since the development new technologies has blurred the line. The mosaic theory recently adopted by the U.S. courts has noted that the same piece of personal information might require privacy protection to resist new privacy risks after such information is aggregated, combined and analyzed. Such theory has changed the tradition privacy notion wherein personal information, after being made public, deserves no privacy protection. Given this, if the Judicial Reform Foundation’s only justification that no privacy invasion was caused since all personal information posted on the Sunshine Judiciary website was generated from publicly available information, this might not be a viable defense under scrutiny of the mosaic theory which argues that aggregated public information is still subject to privacy risk. This essay proposed that the mosaic theory can be introduced in privacy protection analysis in Taiwan when interpreting the last sentence of Item 7, Paragraph 1, Article 19 of the Taiwan Personal Data Protection Act in order to properly deal with new privacy challenges posed by the data aggregation technologies.


司法陽光網(2015),《關於我們》,http://sunshine.jrf.org.tw/about( 最後瀏覽日:2016/2/1)
民間司法改革基金會臉書專頁(2015),《重拾人民信任,司法需要陽光∼ 司法陽光網》,https://www.facebook.com/jrf.tw/videos/10153274916844077/( 最後瀏覽日:2016/2/1)
李榮耕(2015)。科技定位監控與犯罪偵查:兼論美國近年GPS 追蹤法制及實務之發展。臺大法學論叢。44(3),871-969。
林鈺雄(2015),〈傾斜的舞台 迷思的司改〉,《自由電子報》,http://talk.ltn.com.tw/article/paper/934620(最後瀏覽日:2016/2/1)
