  • 期刊


The Use of GPS Tracking in Criminal Investigation and It's Basis of Legal Authority - Starting from the Judgmemt of Taiwan High Court Kaohsiung Branch Court Shan-Yi-Zi No. 604 (2016)




In today world, technology is advancing continuously, Global Position System (GPS) positioning tracking technology has been widely used in daily life. Law enforcement also regard it as a pattern of criminal investigation. However, GPS positioning tracking may infringe the privacy of the people, in the absence of clear authorization of the law, the use of its will constitute illegal investigation. In this regard, this article begins with review of the Taiwan high court Kaohsiung branch court judgmemt Shan-Yi-Zi No.604 (2016). I conclude that the regulations in Taiwan cannot serve as the basis of authority of initiating investigation by the use of GPS positioning tracking. Secondly, this article will introduce the relevant provisions of the German criminal procedure law on "other outdoor surveillance measures" and hopes of finding areas that Taiwan can learn from it. Finally, this article will present some suggestions, with the hope to provide reference of practical operation of law and legal policy in the future.


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