  • 期刊


Parental Concept and Management to Fever: What are the Influences by Physicians?




父母 發燒 概念 處置 醫師


Fever is the most primary complaint of children seen by pediatricians. In counseling, physicians' concept and management of fever and the information they provided may intentionally or unconsciously influence parents' perceptions and practices towards their children's fever. However, rare studies were conducted to explore this process and meanings of this issue. This study aimed to explore what and how parental concepts and management towards childhood fevers were influenced by pediatricians. Twenty parents who had experienced their child's fever at least once within six months were recruited by snowball method. A narrative interview was used to collect parents' information about their child's fever. Results showed parents framed their own concept and management patterns towards fever based on the physicians' advice and behavior. They concurrently judged physicians' concept and management and evaluated whether the treatment procedures met their expectations or not. If so, parents would trust the pediatrician and recognize as the physician as standard. Otherwise, they would consult other physicians or turn to religion and folk remedies. Although it seemed the professionals guided the treatment process of fever, actually, parents played the crucial role in practice. In conclusion, physicians significantly influenced parental perceptions and practices of fever. Healthcare professionals should be aware and adjust the interaction patterns with parents. Finally, healthcare professionals ought to be responsible in empowering parents to improve their ability to manage childhood fevers.


parents fever concept management physician


吳昌騰(2014)。運用跨團隊模式改善小兒急診72小時內 非計畫性返診後之住院率〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.00964
