  • 期刊


Increasing the Participation Rate of Postpartum Class for Primipara during Hospitalization


由於產後住院天數愈來愈短,以致有些初產婦在尚未學會如何照顧新生兒之前就已出院了。因此,護理人員如何把握產婦在極短的住院期間給予有關新生兒照護之指導是很重要的。 根據嬰兒室2002年1月至2月間產後媽媽教室參與之統計發現,參與率甚低;28.9%,並經查檢表得知其未參加之前五項原因為:傷口痛(31.3%)與睡覺中(31.3%),太疲累(28.1%),有訪客(18.8%),有引流管(15.6%)與沒聽到廣播(15.6%),及與會客時間相衝突(9.3%)或正在治療中(9.3%),故引發執行本專案的動機,期望能從提昇初產婦媽媽教室之參與率,使其獲得有關育嬰照護的知識與技巧。經實施重新評估參加的對象、更改新生兒照顧方式、加強海報宣傳、電話個別通知、增加邀請次數及調整媽媽教室舉辦時間與頻率等解決辦法後,參與率已由實施前的28.9%提昇至第一次評值之82.4%;第二次評值之100%,達本專案目的。本專案之實施不但提升產後媽媽教室之參與率,且也提昇本單位護理人員對衛教指導之重視,進而改善產後母親之照護品質。


With a reduction in length of hospital stay, some new mothers may be discharged before they are ready to care for their newborns. As a result, it is important for nurses to provide newborn childcare education to new mothers during a minimal hospital stay. According to the records of postpartum class between January and February 2004, very low participation rate, 28.9% was found. Moreover, the top five reasons for not participating in postpartum classes were: wound pain (31.3%), sleeping (31.3), too tired (28.1%), having visitors (18.8%), having drainage tubes (15.6%), not heard the broadcast (15.6%), having conflicts with visiting time (9.3%), and during treatments (9.3%). Therefore, the motivatin for conducting this project was to increase the participation rate of postpartum class during hospitalization and to provide information regarding infant care knowledge and skills for new mothers. After implementing strategies, including re-screening participation subjects, changes in care procedures for newborns, reinforcement in advertisement, using individual telephone contact, increase the frequency of invitation, and adjustment the holding time and frequency of postpartum class, the participation rate increased from 28.9% to 82.4% at the first time of evaluation, to 100% at the second time of evaluation. The project goals were reached. The results of this project not only increased the participation rate of postpartum class, but also increased nurses' awareness of the importance of education and improving the quality of postpartum care for new mothers.


primipara postpartum class


