  • 期刊


Postoperative Intensive Care of a Patient with Tongue Cancer




The content describes the nursing process of a 36-years-old tongue cancer victim who underwent surgery, then was admitted to the ICU. The researcher collected information by applying nursing skills of observation and conversation, then recorded the information in writing. Completely nursing assessments were performed utilizing the Roy Adaptation Model. The health problems detected in this case are: inefficient airway clearance, current infection, impaired sleeping pattern, anxiety, impaired body image. The writer performed specific and complete nursing interventions, provided emotional supports, and assisted the victim in coping with the disease throughout the entire ICU admission period. The writer also dealt with and resolved the patient's health problems by utilizing nursing care plans. Moreover, she helped the patient to cope with the stresses in order to achieve a moderated physical and emotional status. By sharing the experience, nurses will use the article as a resource and gain an advantages in caring for similar patient in the future.
