  • 期刊


Exploring the Cognition of Inpatients in Medical Safety


本研究旨在了解住院病人的就醫安全認知程度,以做為未來加強住院病人參與病人安全內容之參考。本研究採橫斷式多元研究設計,依過去一年的異常通報資料,將常見的異常事件進行分類,透過臨床護理專家座談,研擬住院病人就醫安全要點,包括:用藥安全、預防跌倒、冷熱安全、輸血安全、預防感染和檢查及手術安全等六大項,再依要點內容擬訂「住院病人就醫安全認知量表」初稿。邀請8 位臨床專家(醫學及護理各4位),針對量表進行效度檢定,取CVI>.75 以上者,共分6 類79項。另請28 位住院病人預試,信度採內在一致性檢定,Cronbach's Alpha值.93。本研究對象為醫院之住院、識字、成年之病人,共發出671份,回收615份,有效回收率為91.65%。研究結果發現,住院病人的整體就醫安全認知為74.1分。其中預防感染91.0分;預防跌倒91.0分;用藥安全75.2分;檢查及手術安全73.5分;輸血安全57.1分;冷熱安全57.0分。建議未來應加強住院病人對用藥安全、冷熱安全、輸血安全和檢查及手術之安全認知,並鼓勵病人及家屬參與病人安全,以提升住院病人的就醫安全。


The purpose of this study is to explore the cognition of inpatients in medical safety. The result can be the reference for inpatients to attend medical safety activity in the future. This study adopted a cross-sectional and multiple research design., Based on the results of the classification of the incident events taking place last year and discussion with clinical nursing experts, the key items of inpatients in medical safety included medication, falling, cold and heat, transfusion, infection, examination, and surgery. These six key items served as a basis to design questionnaire. They were also reviewed by eight clinical experts (four from medical and four from nursing) to perform the validity test and select CVI>.75 that total 6 categories and 79 items. Twenty eight inpatients participated in the pilot study. The internal consistent test on reliability, Cronbach's Alpha was .93. In the present study, the participants were literate. 671 questionnaires were distributed and 615 were valid for an effective return ratio of 91.65%. In terms of the result of this study, the score of the cognition of inpatients in medical safety was 74.1, infection 91.0, falling 91.0, medication 75.2, examination and surgery 73.5, transfusion 57.1, and cold and heat 57.0. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended to enhance the cognition of inpatients in medical safety in the future. It is important to encourage patients and families to attend safety activity to improve medical safety.


patient safety medical safety inpatient cognitive
