  • 期刊


Clinical Needs and Applications for Disability Distinction and Reablement and Digital Education in Elderly Adults Receiving Long-Term Care




長期照護 失能 衰弱 復能 高齡者


Aging in the global population increases the number of disabled older adults requiring long-term care. Therefore, it has become critical to distinguish older adults with disabilities or frailty using clinical assessments tools or scales and provide an early, individualized reablement approach. Goal-oriented, short-term, high-impact, and low-cost reablement programs improve functional recovery in frail older adults and reduce individual care load and long-term care system expenses. Simultaneously combining assistive technologies and digital education can improve the independence of older adults and provide their precise medical information, decrease the load on clinical staff, and promote care quality in clinics. Therefore, the purpose of this report was to review the clinical needs and applications for disability distinction and reablement and digital education in elderly adults receiving long-term care. We believe that this report can assist clinical staff in comprehending the latest reablement knowledge and its potential application in future care.


long-term care disability frailty reablement older adults


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