  • 期刊


Exercise Dosage And Thrombotic Modification: Benefits and Risks Associated with Exercise in Cardiovascular Diseases





運動處方 凝血機制


Pathological and clinical studies have suggested that blood hemostasis play an important role in the pathogenesis and progression of cardiovascular diseases. It has also been noticed that on one hand, regular exercise can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and on the other hand, vigorous exercise provokes sudden cardiac death. This review summarizes and analyzes the literature with regard to the effects of acute exercise and endurance training (chronic exercise) on measures of plate-let function, coagulation, and fibrinolysis in healthy people and patients with cardiovascular disease. Various studies, including our previous studies, showed that the intensity of acute exercise is important factor affecting platelet function; i.e., moderate exercise tends to decrease platelet activity, whereas strenuous exercise can enhance platelet activity, and (he acute exercise effect is more pronounced in the sedentary than in the active. Moreover, platelet function may be depressed by moderate exercise training and be reversed back to pre-training states after deconditionining. Studies also have examined the relationship between exercise intensity and activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis. These results suggested that moderate exercise appears to enhance in vivo blood fribrinolysis, whereas very heavy exercise activates blood fibrinolysis and blood coagulation simultaneously. In addition, evidence is also avail- able to suggest that postmyocardial patients have lower coagulability but higher fibrinolytic activity after exercise rehabilitation programs. Therefore, these findings provide new insight into the protective effects of moderate exercise training against the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, the risk of major vascular thrombotic events may be transiently increased during vigorous exercise.


