  • 期刊


Neuromodulation and Clinical Applications of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Neurology and Psychiatry


經顱磁刺激(transcranial magnetic stimulation)的技術,是一種非侵入性、安全性高且極少造成病人不適的神經刺激術。它藉由快速改變的磁場引發電流,進而有效的刺激大腦皮質或周邊神經。經顱磁刺激可以以單一刺激、成對刺激及重複刺激等方式進行。單一刺激及成對刺激主要是用來檢測腦部的生理現象,而連續刺激則可以改變神經迴路達到神經可塑性(plasticity)的調控。雖然詳細的系統性機轉及生理現象仍有許多值得研究的地方,但是在臨床治療應用上面已經有所發展。例如在憂鬱症的治療上面已經獲得美國藥物及食品衛生管理局(FDA)的適應症許可。另外在帕金森氏症、阿滋海默症、肌張力不全、偏癱、神經復健、偏頭痛、慢性疼痛及耳鳴,或者是精神疾病包含:精神分裂症和焦慮症等都已取得一些適度可信的臨床證據。


Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a relatively safe non-invasive technique with minimal discomfort for stimulating the nervous system. TMS induces weak electric currents through a rapidly changing magnetic field to stimulate the brain cortex or peripheral nerve. TMS may be given in different modes, including single pulse TMS, paired pulse TMS, repetitive TMS (rTMS) and so on. Single and paired pulse TMS are mainly used to test the cortical physiology, while rTMS is capable of modulating the cortical excitability through neuroplasticity-like mechanisms. Despite some fundamental mechanisms of TMS remain unclear, there have been several lines of evidence suggesting the therapeutic potential of rTMS. One of the most successful examples is that Food and Drug Administration (US) has approved a rTMS device for treating depression. Moreover, the therapeutic effect has also been reported on Parkinson disease, Alzheimer's disease, neurorehabilitation, migraine, chronic pain, schizophrenic hallucinations, tinnitus, anxiety and so on.


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