  • 期刊


Core Values of Physical Therapy Professionalism: The Viewpoints of Clinical Physical Therapists in Taiwan


背景與目的:專業素養是物理治療專業的一部分,本研究目的欲瞭解國內物理治療師所認為自身及實習學生應有的專業素養核心面向。方法:以自製問卷邀請物理治療師參與,內容包括物理治療師及實習學生專業素養核心面向的認同選項26個,以7分制李克特量尺表示。以描述性統計及t檢定比較對於治療師及實習學生應有之專業素養同意程度的差異,顯著水準為0.05。結果:共86位物理治療師完成問卷。對於物理治療師之選項,6分以上很同意的最高五項為專業義務、負責任、當責、安全、專業形象。唯一低於5分為書寫清晰,其餘皆大於5分,介於同意與普通之間。實習學生應有的核心面向,高於6分者共4項為遵守規定和程序、負責任、專業義務、尊重所有人,低於5分為社會責任與實踐與多元文化知能。物理治療師及物理治療實習學生應有之核心面向評分共12項達統計上顯著差異(p < 0.05)。結論:本研究顯示物理治療師對於問卷所提的專業素養核心面向多具高度認同,而對實習學生專業素養要求則有所不同。


Background and Purpose: Professionalism is an important component of the physical therapy profession. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the core dimensions of professionalism in physical therapy valued by clinical physiotherapists in Taiwan and the possible differences in the core dimensions required in physical therapy professional practices between physical therapists and physical therapy interns. Methods: We recruit physical therapists interested in the pedagogy of clinical physical therapy through written invitations and posted public notices. This study adopted a questionnaire, developed by the authors comprising two parts. The first part addressed the respondents' acceptance of the core constructs of professionalism for physical therapists including 22 multiple choice items and four open-ended questions. The second part comprised the same questions as the first part, except the respondents were instructed to complete the questions based on their perceived acceptance for physical therapy interns. The multiple-choice items were scored on a Likert seven-point scale, where the values of 7 to 1 denoted from strongly agree to strongly disagree, respectively. For statistical analysis, a descriptive statistics approach was adopted to calculate the mean and standard deviation, and t-tests were performed to compare the differences between the respondents' responses for physical therapists and those for physical therapy interns. The level of statistical significance was set at 0.05. Results: Eighty-six physical therapists responded. Among the core items concerning "physical therapists" with a score of six or higher, the top five were (1) "professional duty," (2) "responsibility," (3) "accountability," (4) "safety," and (5) "professional image." "Write legibly" had the lowest score and was the only item with a mean score lower than five. The consensus for the items were between "agree" and "neutral." Among the core items concerning "physical therapy interns" with a score of six or higher (agree), the top four were (1) "abide by policies and procedures," (2) "responsibility," (3) "professional duty," and (4) "respect for all." "Social responsibility and advocacy" and "cultural competency" were the only items with a score lower than five. Twelve differences in core professionalism factors between physical therapists and physical therapy interns perceived by the respondents achieved significant statistical differences (p < 0.05). Conclusions: This study showed that the clinical physical therapists had a high level of recognition of the core values of clinical professionalism proposed in the questionnaire and indicated that the requirements for professionalism vary depending on clinical experience. Therefore, these topics show immense value for future research.


