  • 期刊


Analysis of Arrow Speed and Target Position


本研究主要的目的是在探討,放箭箭速與箭著位置之相關性,射箭選手為維持每一箭都有相同的推送力,一般都會在聽到夾箭器的聲響後立刻鬆弦放箭。但在箭出手的瞬間,射箭者本身並無法得知,其是否有保持每箭箭速的穩定,而放箭箭速的差異可能會與箭著高、低的位置有關。本研究是以國立體育學院射箭隊6名專長選手(5男1女)為受試對象(平均身高為170.5±7.87公分、體重為64.83±12.8公斤、年齡為20.67±0.82歲),測試距離於30公尺舉行,每位受試者共須射36箭,每回3箭共12回。在正式測試前,須先將箭速測速器栓鎖於弓身下方之延長桿上,並利用JVC數位攝影機拍攝每箭的箭著位置,再以A P A S (Ariel Performance Analysis System)動作分析系統,換算出箭著水平(X)、垂直(Y)及與靶中心點半徑(R)的距離後,再與其放箭箭速作相關分析。結果發現:一、在六名受試者中,1號選手放箭箭速最為穩定,其得分亦是最高;而6號選手放箭箭速雖次為穩定,但因在箭著水平方向(X)偏差過大,導致得分偏低。二、在所有受試者中,二名放箭箭速較穩定的選手,在箭速加快時,其箭著在垂直方向(Y)有偏上的現象;而有四名選手卻有偏下的情形產生,這顯示上述四名選手,其持弓手垂直方向的穩定性仍須加強。三、有二名選手放箭箭速與箭著水平(X)方向呈負相關;而其它四名選手卻呈正相關。四、所有受試者放箭箭速與箭著位置(X、Y)的相關性,均分佈在二、四象限中。


射箭 箭速 箭靶


In this study, the relationship between arrow speed and target location were investigated. The release is based on hearing the clicking sound generated from a clicker, which is designed to have the same string strength. It is difficult for each archer to clearly determine the stability of the arrow speed and its effect, so the relationship between arrow speed and the targeting coordination was studied. In order to study this relationship, six athletes (five males and one female) from the archery team of the National College of Physical Education and Sports participated in this study. The subjects average height was 170.5±7.87 cm, average weight was 64.83±12.8 kg, and average age was 20.67±0.82 years. At a distance of 30m, each archer shot twelve rounds with three arrows per round for a total of thirty-six arrows. Speed measurement equipment located at the extender measured arrow speed, and a JVC digital video camera located around the target captured the target coordination. An APAS (Ariel Performance Analysis System) motion analysis system was used to obtain the vertical and horizontal target coordinates, and this information was thus used to analyze the correlation between arrow speed and target location. Results of this research are as follows: 1. The first archer had the most stable arrow speed, and his score was highest. The sixth archer had very stable arrow speed, but the deviation in the horizontal direction was large. This led her to have the lowest score. Therefore, arrow speed stability is a necessary condition but not a sufficient condition for a high score. 2. Two archers had a positive correlation between arrow speed and deviation of the vertical direction, that is, the higher the speed, the upper the offset. But the other four archers had a negative correlation, i.e., the higher the speed, the lower the offset. This implies that the stability of the left hand in the vertical direction needs to improve. 3. The first and sixth archers had a negative correlation between arrow speed and target location in the horizontal direction, but the other four archers had a positive correlation. 4. Combining the second and third results, the correlation between arrow speed and the target coordinates for all six archers were in the second and fourth quadrants.


archery arrow speed arrow target


Leroyer, P.,Van, H. J.,Helal, J. N.(1993).Biomechanical study of the final push-pull archery.Journal of Sports Science.11,63-69.
