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Effect of Age on the Development of Dynamic Visual Acuity


所謂的動體視力(dynamic visual acuity, DVA)是指個體能正確地辨識移動中物體細微部分的能力。本研究目的在於探究動體視力隨年齡增長之變化情形。本研究以222名年齡介於10-26歲的男學生為研究對象,以日本學者Hisao Ishigaki所開發出的專業運動視覺測試軟體「Athlevision」為研究工具;所有受試者分別完成視覺疲勞、靜止視力、動體視力等測試。研究結果發現,動體視力在10-16歲期間會隨年齡的增長而增進,16-24歲期間則逐年下降,24-26歲期間則又有增進趨勢。本研究結果可應用於體育教學的課程規劃、運動選手的評選以及訓練處方的擬定等方面。


動體視力 發展 年齡


Dynamic visual acuity (DVA) is generally defined as the ability to discriminate the fine part of a moving object. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of age on the development of dynamic visual acuity. Two hundred twenty-two male subjects (age ranging from 10 to 26 years old) voluntarily participated in this study. Athevision computer software developed by Dr. Ishigaki was used to measure dynamic visual acuity. Visual fatigue, static visual acuity, and dynamic visual acuity, respectively, were measured for all subjects. The results showed that there is rapid development in dynamic visual acuity between 10-16 years of age and that dynamic visual acuity declines between 16-24 years of age. These findings could be applied to the teaching of physical education, selecting potential athletes, and designing training programs.


dynamic visual acuity development age


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