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Changes of Skill-Specific Fitness and Saliva Hormones in Elite Young Handball Players during Entire Competition Season


本研究目的是探討優秀青年手球選手在單一賽季中,專項體能及唾液中同化性與異化性荷爾蒙變化。受試者是以95年全國師生盃手球錦標賽,高中男子組前六名隊伍中四所學校為本研究的研究對象,共76位受試者參加受測,所有受試者身體心理狀況皆在健康及正常的情況下參與本研究;本研究分別在賽季中的過渡階段、準備階段及比賽階段進行選手專項體能,項目包括體型測量(身高、BMI),專項體能測驗項目(15公尺衝刺、垂直跳、握力、背肌力、十步跳、手球擲遠、手球球速及最大攝氧量),並收集唾液,分析睪固酮(testosterone, T)與皮質醇(cortisol, C)濃度。研究結果顯示在賽季間慣用手握力、背肌力、手球擲遠及最大攝氧量有顯著進步(p<.05),十步跳及15公尺衝刺顯著退步(p<.05),其他非慣用手握力、立定投擲、跨步投擲及垂直跳在賽季間則無顯著差異;唾液中睪固酮濃度在過渡期到準備期顯著減少(p<.05),皮質醇濃度在過渡期到比賽期顯著增加(p<.05),睪固酮/皮質醇(T/C)比率在過渡期到準備期、過渡期到比賽期顯著減少(p<.05)。本研究結論顯示優秀青年手球選手賽季間專項體能慣用手握力、非慣用手握力、背肌力、手球擲遠、手球擲遠體能在比賽期達最佳成績,十步跳及15公尺衝刺則顯示退步的趨勢,最大攝氧量測驗在準備期達最佳,睪固酮與皮質醇濃度在賽季間隨著訓練強度及量的增加而明顯改變,準備期與比賽期T/C比率明顯比過渡期低且下降幅度超過30%,代表本研究的受試者可能有恢復不足或過度訓練現象。


The aim of this study was to investigate the skill-specific fitness and physiology profile in elite young male handball players during a competition season. Subjects were recruited from four high school handball teams which were finished on top 6 in 2006 National Teacher-Student Championship Cup. Seventy-six male subjects were completed the tests in three stages: transition stage, preparatory stage and competition stage during the season and their body mass index and body fat were recorded. All the subject were asked to perform specific fitness tests (15m sprint, vertical jump, grasp strength, back strength, ten-step jump, handball throw and maximal oxygen uptake) and to give their saliva samples for hormones like testosterone (T) and cortisol (C) analysis. The results showed that the habitual hand grasp strength, back strength, handball throw distance, and maximal oxygen uptake were significantly improved during the season (p<.05). Ten-step jump and 15m sprint were gradually degeneracy during the season (p<.05). However, no differences were found in non-habitual hand grasp strength, handball throw velocity and vertical jump during the season. Saliva T concentrations at transition stage was lower than at preparatory stage. Saliva C concentrations were significantly higher in competition stage than that of transition stage. The testosterone-to-cortisol (T/C) ratios were gradually decreased from transition stage through preparatory stage to competition stage. Our data suggested that specific fitness was gradually improved during the season in habitual hand grasp strength, back strength, handball throw distance, and maximal oxygen uptake but not in ten-step jump and 15 m sprint in elite young handball players. The T/C ratios were decreased over 30% from transition stage to competition stage which might indicate insufficient recovery time during the seasonal training.


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