  • 期刊


Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training on Anaerobic Capacity and Fatigue Recovery in Sprint-Type Athletes


本研究目的在探討吸氣肌訓練對衝刺型運動員無氧能力與疲勞恢復之影響。招募16名男性大專衝刺型運動員參與本實驗,以平衡次序法分配至實驗組與控制組,實驗組以80%最大吸氣肌力,實施6週、每週5天、每天1次、每次30下吸氣肌訓練,控制組則以20%做訓練,並以間隔4分鐘(動態恢復)2×30秒無氧動力測驗評估受試者之無氧能力。收集兩組受試者各時段肺功能、最大吸氣肌力與無氧能力,並將結果以混合設計二因子變異數分析(two-way ANOVA, mixed design)。研究結果顯示:實驗組訓練後用力肺活量(4.91±0.27L)與最大吸氣肌力(170.63±10.36 cm H_2O)均明顯著高於訓練前(4.41±0.37L; 152.50 ± 7.41 cm H_2O),達顯著差異存在(p<.05),另在第一秒用力呼氣量方面,訓練前後則無顯著差異(p>.05);在無氧動力測驗方面,實驗組在第一階段無氧動力測驗訓練前後無顯著差異,但訓練後第二階段無氧動力測驗之最大動力(902.25±45.00W)與平均動力(770.05±58.65W)顯著高於訓練前(854.92 ± 69.36W; 723.11 ± 55.46W, p<.05)。本研究結論為:在運動訓練過程介入80%最大吸氣肌阻力訓練,可提升肺功能與最大吸氣肌力,但並無法提升無氧能力;另在疲勞恢復方面,實驗組在6週吸氣肌訓練後,於第二階段無氧能力測驗時,能提升最大動力與平均動力輸出。因此,建議衝刺型運動員能在訓練中增加吸氣肌訓練,以提升運動恢復期時無氧動力的表現。


喘氣 呼吸肌力 溫蓋特測驗


The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of inspiratory muscle training on the anaerobic capacity and fatigue recovery in sprint-type athletes. Sixteen male college sprint-type athletes were assigned into control and experiment groups via the sequential balancing method. The subjects in the experiment group underwent 80% peak inspiratory muscle power training for six-week, 5 days a week, one regimen per day and 30 reps of muscle training per regimen. The control group underwent the same training at 20% peak inspiratory muscle power, and both groups underwent 2 × 30 seconds Wingate anaerobic power tests at 4 minute intervals (dynamic recovery) to assess anaerobic capacity. The lung capacity at each interval, peak inspiratory muscle power and anaerobic capacity of both groups were collected and the results were statistically analyzed with mixed designed two-way ANOVA. The results showed that the forced vital capacity (4.91 ± 0.27 L) and maximum inspiratory muscle strength (170.63 ± 10.36 cm H2O) of the experiment group were significantly higher (p < .05) than before the onset of training (4.41 ± 0.37 L; 152.50 ± 7.41 cm H2O). The forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV1) showed no differences before and after training. For the Wingate anaerobic power test, no significant differences in the results of the experiment group during the first phase of the training was noticed. However, the peak anaerobic power (902.25 ± 45.00 W) and mean anaerobic power (770.05 ± 58.65 W) of the experiment group at the second phase of training were significantly higher than before the onset of training (854.92 ± 69.36 W; 723.11 ± 55.46 W, p < .05). Our results suggested that inspiratory muscle power training could increase lung capacity and peak inspiratory muscle power, the anaerobic capacity were unaffected. As for fatigue recovery, our results showed that during the second phase of the Wingate anaerobic test, the peak anaerobic power and mean anaerobic power output were increased in the experiment group after six-weeks of inspiratory muscle training. Therefore, in order to improve the re-integration of motor muscle capacity during exercise recovery periods, we suggest supplementing the training regimens of sprint-type athletes with inspiratory muscle training.


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