  • 期刊


Influences of Social Relationship and Social Feedback on Body Satisfaction, Body Esteem and Exercise Behavior for Adolescents




The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of social relationship (with parents and peers) and social feedback about appearance (from parents and peers) on body satisfaction, body self-esteem and exercise behavior for Taiwanese adolescents. Both boys (n=335) and girls (n=382) from junior and senior high schools in Taichung and Changhua cities participated and completed two times assessment. As first assessment, participants completed social relationship, social feedback and exercise behavior measurements, then completed body satisfaction, body esteem and exercise behavior measurements as second time. Two-way ANOVA (independent), SEM and regression methods were used to analyze the data. The results were indicated as follows: 1. Girls scored higher than boys in relationship with mother and peer, whereas boys scored higher than girls for feedback from father, body satisfaction and body self-esteem at both time 1 time 2 sport behaviors. High school girls scored higher than junior high school girls for feedback from mother, while boys scored higher than girls for mother's feedback in junior high school. 2. This study hypothesis models had good fit indices for overall male and female participants. 3. The relationship with father significantly predicted the body satisfaction of male adolescents. The study concluded that interpersonal interaction and exercise behavior showed prominent influence on adolescents body self perception (body satisfaction, body esteem). The differences between male and female on the path relation of variables were noticed. Furthermore, gender could be a moderate variable.


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吳治勳、吳英璋、許文耀、蕭仁釗(2008)。「臺灣兒童及青少年關係量表 (TRICA)」之編製和心理計量特性研究。測驗學刊。55(3),535-557。
周依禪(2008,9月3日)。休假別再睡了 雲門帶你運動。資料引自 http://www.lihpao.com/?action-viewnews-itemid-19533


