  • 期刊


Enhancing the Hitting Performance among Expert Hockey Players through an Interoceptive Focus Instruction


過去研究發現專注於動作結果的外在焦點相較於專注在身體動作的內在焦點能帶來較好的動作表現,但對精熟者卻有不一致的發現,尤其是內感受性焦點指導對精熟者執行動作的作用尚未釐清,因此,本研究目的在檢驗內感受性焦點指導與外在焦點指導對精熟者擊球表現的效應。實驗參加者為13名高中男子曲棍球校隊運動員(平均年齡16.7 ± 1.0歲,平均球齡3.3 ± 1.3年),使用受試者內實驗設計,依據內感受性焦點與外在焦點2種類型的口語指導進行射門擊球工作,實驗參加者共完成4次試作。研究結果經相依樣本t考驗指出:內感受性焦點指導的擊球成績(平均得分54.62 ± 23.32分)顯著高於外在焦點指導的擊球成績(平均得分32.67 ± 19.86分)。本研究結論:對於精熟者來說,內感受性焦點指導比外在焦點指導較能促進曲棍球擊球表現。


Previous studies demonstrated that external focus on movement could enhance the motor performance than internal focus on body movement. However, recent studies provided inconsistent results for expert players, especially the role of interoceptive focus remains unclear while experts performing the movement. This study aimed to examine how the instruction of interoceptive focus and external focus influenced the hitting performance among expert hockey players. Using the within-subjects design, thirteen senior high school hockey players (age = 16.7 ± 1.0 years, training experience = 3.3 ± 1.3 years) performed 2 hits following different sets of verbal instructions (interoceptive focus and external focus). Participants completed 4 trials for a testing session. The results showed that the hitting scores of the expert hokey players were significantly higher with interoceptive focus instruction than that of the external focus instruction. It was concluded that compared to external focus, the interoceptive focus instruction enhance the hitting performance of expert hokey players.


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