  • 期刊

Analyzing of Team-Related Confidence and Internalization of Fans in Taiwanese Professional Baseball



Loyal fans of a team often have a greater financial and emotional investment as opposed to other more casual fans. Previous studies suggested that loyal fans are very knowledgeable about the team, and therefore may have higher confidence in the team. The purpose of this study was to examine whether different levels of internalized fans would differ in team-related confidence levels. In this study, a pre-post test design was employed during a CPBL championship series. A total of 181 survey respondents completed the internalization and team-related confidence scales at four different timepoints, including three days before the series started, 15 minutes before the 4th game of the series, during the game and three days after the championship series. A two-way repeated measures of ANOVA was used to analyses the data. The result showed that all respondents exhibited a higher level of confidence in the supporting team before starting the game. Fans with high levels of internalization have significantly higher levels of team-related confidence than fans with a medium and low level of internalization. The managerial implication is that strategies should be developed to enhance the team-related confidence of fans to increase the purchase intention.




球迷忠誠度 球迷心理 職業運動


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