  • 期刊


Process of Self-Transformation: The Case Study of a Tattooed Basketball Player




The purpose of this study was to explore the career experiences of a talented basketball player, where he lost himself but tried to find self-identity and value in the pursuit of his career which filled with ups and downs. Theoretically, this study adopted self-transformation as a core idea to explore the career experiences of this tattooed basketball player. Methodologically, this case study performed on a tattooed basketball player named "Xiao-An," who played in the Super Basketball League (SBL) in Taiwan. In-depth interview was conducted to collect the data, along with documentary analysis. This study revived participant's inner experiences. Although Xiao-An has been a renowned player in the domestic arena, our results showed his hesitant and timid personality led himself to encounter many ups and downs both in athletic and academic performance, and consequently unable to exert his full potential. After leaving basketball for a while, Xiao-An returned to basketball. Xiao-An tattooed himself as a signature to remind him that persistent is a way to success and stick to his deepest faith in mind when he encountered any difficulties. This study concluded that although tattoo is only a signature in Xiao-An case, but it represents his determination. By doing so Xiao-An gradually abandoned past and look forward to his sporting career.


self-lost self-role career experiences


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