  • 期刊


The Effects of Chlorella Extract Supplementation on Dehydration-Induced Fatigue in Athletes


本研究目的為探討綠藻萃取物補充是否有助於改善因脫水造成的運動表現降低與疲勞。研究方法為隨機雙盲交叉試驗,將10名受試者隨機分為安慰劑組(Placebo group)與綠藻組(Chlorella group)。所有受試者均於高溫濕環境(35℃與70%相對溼度)中以跑步機進行低強度運動(40%最大攝氧量[maximal oxygen uptake,VO_(2max)])以誘發達3%體重的脫水,並於脫水後給予脫水量的1.5倍液體補充(6%醣類與0.04%食鹽)。此外,綠藻與安慰劑組於脫水後立即分別補充130ml的綠藻萃取物或等量安慰劑。於脫水前後以漸增式運動檢測VO_(2max),並抽血以分析氧化壓力、發炎與分解/合成指標。研究結果顯示脫水後安慰劑組VO_(2max)與運動時間顯著降低,但是安慰劑組顯著低於綠藻組。另外脫水也造成血液白血球、噬中性球、介白素6、介白素10、硫代巴比妥酸反應物(thiobarbituric acid reactive substances,TBARS)、超氧岐化酶顯著上升,但是綠藻組於脫水後4小時TBARS顯著低於安慰劑組。於合成/分解反應方面,脫水後立即睪固酮與可體松濃度均顯著增加,綠藻組在脫水後2小時的可體松濃度顯著低於安慰劑組。綜合上述研究結果,本研究結論為運動後進行綠藻補充應有助於避免脫水後耐力運動表現降低,且可能降低氧化壓力與分解作用。


最大攝氧量 氧化壓力 發炎


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of acute Chlorella extract supplementation on endurance performance and fatigue markers after dehydration. In this randomized, double-blind crossover study design, 10 participants were divided into Placebo or Chlorella groups. Dehydration (3% body weight) in all subjects was induced by treadmill walking in a high temperature (35°C) and humidity (70%) environment. Subjects were then rehydrated with fluid (6% carbohydrate and 0.04% salt) equal to 1.5 times weight lost. One hundred and thirty ml of Chlorella extract or placebo were administered to the subjects of Placebo or Chlorella groups at the same time according to their groups. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO_(2max)) and markers of oxidative stress, inflammation and anabolism/catabolism were determined before and after dehydration. The results showed that VO_(2max) and exercise time to fatigue were significantly decreased after dehydration in Placebo group. However, VO_(2max), and exercise time to fatigue of Chlorella group were significantly higher than those of Placebo group after dehydration. Dehydration increased levels of white blood cells (WBC), neutrophils, interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-10 (IL-10), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and superoxide dismutase (SOD). The TBARS level in Chlorella group was significantly lower after dehydration than that in Pl acebo group. Furthermore, testosterone and cortisol levels were significantly increased in Placebo group after dehydration. The cortisol level of Chlorella group was significantly lower 2 hours after dehydration than that of Placebo group. In conclusion, decreased endurance performance and increased oxidative damage and catabolic response after dehydration could be mitigated by acute Chlorella supplementation.


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