  • 期刊


Effects of Ankle Taping on Perceived Maximum Jumping Height and Self-Confidence




Sports taping not only provides biomechanical joint stabilization that aids in injury prevention, but also influences the mental aspect of competition. This study investigated how ankle taping affected athletes on their perceived maximum jumping height and self-confidence. Twenty-six female adults were recruited as participants. They were asked to make direct perception judgement by reporting their expected maximum jumping height and to assess self-confidence for successfully jumping to several given heights both with or without ankle taping. Each subsequent perception of the efficacy of taping was recorded, and participants were divided into a positive-perception group (14 participants) and a negative-perception group (12 participants) according to their subjective perception about the impact of taping. The results revealed no significant difference between perceived maximum jumping height and self-confidence under taped and untaped conditions unless perceptions regarding the consequences of taping were taken into consideration as a factor. Participants with a positive perception perceived higher maximum jumping height after having their ankles taped, while those with a negative perception showed lower self-confidence when taped. Self-confidence decreased with every given height increase under both conditions, regardless of perceptions. It is concluded that the changes in perception and self-confidence in a taped condition were affected by subjective anticipation of taping consequences. Individuals perceived a greater jumping capability with ankles taped if they perceived taping as beneficial; otherwise, self-confidence for successfully jumping decreased when ankles were taped, if taping was perceived as a form of restriction. The present study provided a different view about the psychological aspect of the effects of taping on individuals. To maximize taping benefits and avoid decreasing performance, athletes and coaches could take perceptions into consideration.


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