  • 期刊


The Effects of Multiple Representation Teaching on Number Concepts for Students with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities




The purposes of this study were to investigate the effects of the multiple representation teaching model on basic number concepts for elementary school students with moderate intellectual disabilities. The study employed the withdrawal design across subjects of single-subject research. The participants were two elementary school students with moderate intellectual disabilities, and they were intervened by group instruction. Three phases were designed for experimental instruction. During the baseline phase, the participants received a pre-test about basic number concepts. In the intervention phase, the participants were instructed by a multiple representation teaching model. A week after withdrawing intervention, the participants received a post-test about basic number concepts in the maintenance period. The visual analysis, the C-statistic, the effect size analysis, and the qualitative method were used to examine the effects of multiple representation teaching model. The major results are shown as follows: 1. The multiple representation teaching model had immediate and maintaining effects on the overall performance of basic number concepts for elementary school students with moderate intellectual disabilities. 2. The multiple representation teaching model had immediate and maintaining effects both on the subconceptions of basic number concepts for elementary school students with moderate intellectual disabilities.


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