  • 期刊


Policy Design, Network Governance of Public Sector and the Transfer of the Social Construction of Target Population: The Analysis of Drug Control Policy


民主政治中,公共政策的標的人口(target population)是政策設計的核心議題;然而,無論在理論的探討或實務的經驗上,如何讓標的人口中的偏差者(deviants)轉移成其他類型以提升公民自我能力及降低政府政策成本,則有待更多的討論。以本文為例,過去吸毒者大多被歸類為偏差者,然我國目前政府的毒品防制政策係以「減害」(harm reduction)為政策目標,則如何整合各方資源以協助毒癮者戒毒並使其回歸正常生活,已成為落實政策的關鍵議題。近年來,我國各縣市政府陸續成立的「毒品危害防制中心」,並對毒癮者採用的「美沙酮」(Methadone)替代療法等政策設計,凸顯以「自治」及「資源共享」為基礎的網絡治理模式。具體而言,本研究主要的研究問題為「為何及如何有效的落實政策標的人口社會建構之轉移?」本研究透過政策設計與網絡治理的討論建構了本文的分析架構,並藉由對5個地方政府毒品危害防制中心之人員等利害關係人進行焦點團體訪談。本研究發現在政策設計新思維下,公部門網絡治理已讓吸毒者漸漸擺脫犯人而成為病人之形象;從理論的層面而言,本文在政策經驗上最大貢獻在於瞭解政策設計如何與網絡治理連結,進而達到毒癮者之標的人口社會建構的移轉。對於其他社會建構的偏差者,亦可透過類似的政策設計與網絡治理過程讓特定標的人口產生質變,進而提升公共政策的設計能力與政策工具的選擇。


In democratic politics, the target population in public policy is the core issue while designing policies. However, either in the theory or practice experience, how to get the deviants in a target population transferred into other types to improve their self-ability and to lower the government policy cost, is what we want to discuss more here. For drug control policy, in the past, most drug users were classified as deviation form, while our current drug control policy now is aimed at 'harm reduction'; so it appears that the key issue is how to integrate the resources to help those addicts not only give up drugs but go back to normal lives earlier, the issue here has become one of the key points of implementation of the policy.In recent years, Taiwan local government have established ”Drug Control Center” one after another and also adopted a therapy called ”methadone Replacement therapy”, thus pointing out some network governance pattern such as the ”autonomy” and ”sharing” of network governance. Specifically, the main research question in this study is that ”Why and how to transfer the social construction of the target population effectively?” This study has constructed a framework through policy design and discussions over network management. By using focus group interviews among those staff in government drug harm prevention center, this study have found that, under the new design of policy thinking, the network governance in public sector has successfully made drug addicts a new image of becoming a patient, not a criminal instead; and so on as a whole, the drug prevention policies in our country are supposed to be strengthened with other precautionary measures.


