  • 期刊


A National Survey on Taiwan Local Governments' Sustainable Policy


近年來,永續發展已經由抽象的政治口號日益變成關乎人類世界存亡的重大運動。各國、各地方政府以及各社區均致力於發展環境與社會的政策、方案與評估指標,以管理各自在永續發展工作上的進展。就臺灣的政府層級而言,中央政府在追求永續發展的願景已稍具備,然而真正落實此願景目標必須則仰賴地方政府的參與,因此,本研究藉由郵寄問卷的調查方式,針對北、高2 個直轄市、臺灣省各縣(市)、以及金門縣與連江縣進行全國性調查,主要目的在觀察並描述地方政府對於永續發展與能源政策相關議題的具體政策作為與推展概況。根據本研究所蒐集之17 個地方政府的調查結果,我國部分的地方政府確實已經針對地方的永續發展採取行動,同時傾向於從地方政府的角度來思考永續發展的問題,推動長遠的政策作為以及管制行動。但整體而言,永續發展的系統化努力比例仍然偏低。在實務上,本研究建議未來地方政府必須持續在永續發展與能源政策議題上,致力於本研究所涉及的6 個構面,包括地方管制規定、土地利用與綠建築、交通運輸與節能政策、經濟發展、協力治理、策略規劃與績效指標等,善盡或完整地扮演中央政府的協力角色。


No longer an abstract political slogan, sustainable development has become an issue essential to the survival of human world. Many countries and their communities have contributed to the initiatives of environmental and social policies. Moreover, advocates are trying to establish performance indicators and evaluation frameworks to monitor the progress of sustainable development. Based on a national survey on the local governments in Taiwan, this paper evaluates sustainable development and energy policies in Taiwan. Among the city and county governments in Taiwan, seventeen replied questionnaires. The survey results reveal that some local authorities have taken positive actions to address issues of sustainable development. However, systematic effort is still rare. This paper urges that local governments in Taiwan must put more effort on six fundamental dimensions of sustainable development and energy policy: (1) zoning regulations and permitting; (2) land use and green building; (3) transportation and energy reduction; (4) economic development; (5) collaborative governance; and (6) strategic planning and performance measures.
