  • 期刊


Ethanol Extracts of Guava Seeds Inhibit Inflammation in Lipopolysaccharide-induced Macrophages in Preventive and Curative Manners in Vitro


為釐清芭樂籽乙醇萃取物之抗發炎成分及作用機制,本研究對芭樂籽乙醇萃取物進行光譜掃描分析、測定其多酚類及類黃酮含量,並探討在體外試驗模式下,芭樂籽乙醇萃取物對LPS所誘導發炎反應之預防及治療作用,巨噬細胞所分泌之促/抗發炎細胞激素以酵素免疫分析法測定。結果發現,芭樂籽乙醇萃取物在波長227與360 nm有吸收峰,成分分析顯示,芭樂籽乙醇萃取物總多酚含量為233 ± 99 mg/g樣品,總類黃酮含量為13.2 ± 5.4 mg/g樣品,證實芭樂籽乙醇萃取物富含多酚類。小鼠腹腔巨噬細胞培養試驗顯示,在預防發炎及治療模式下,隨著芭樂籽乙醇萃取物濃度增加,巨噬細胞分泌的促發炎/抗發炎細胞激素[(IL-1β + IL-6 + TNF-α)/IL-10]分泌比值均顯著下降( p < 0.05),有效抑制LPS所誘導的發炎作用,綜合本研究結果,證實芭樂籽乙醇萃取物富含多酚類,可經由預防及治療作用模式,抑制LPS所誘導的巨噬細胞發炎。


To figure out possible effective components, UV-Vis absorption spectrum, and contents of total polyphenols and flavonoids in ethanol extracts of guava seeds (EEGS) were measured. To unravel anti-inflammatory mechanism, EEGS was cultured with mouse peritoneal macrophages in the presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) under specified preventive and curative experiment models. Secretions of pro-/anti-inflammatory cytokines by the peritoneal macrophages were determined using ELISA. The results showed that two absorption peaks of EEGS appeared at 227 nm and 360 nm. Contents of total polyphenol and flavonoid in EEGS were 233 ± 99 mg gallic acid equivalent/g sample and 13.2 ± 5.4 mg rutin equivalent/g sample, respectively, indicating that EEGS is rich in polyphenols. Cultures of murine peritoneal macrophages showed that EEGS significantly ( p < 0.05) and dose-dependently decreased pro-/anti-inflammatory cytokine [(IL-1β + IL-6 + TNF-α)/IL-10] secretion ratios by macrophages in the presence of LPS under both specified preventive and curative experiment models. Our results evidenced that EEGS rich in polyphenols might inhibit LPS-induced inflammation in macrophages via both preventive and curative manners.
