  • 期刊


Development of Pullulan Bioactive Packaging and Evaluation on Frozen Tilapia Fillets


本研究系利用普魯蘭多醣製作成可抗菌之食品包裝材料;首先以三偏磷酸交聯後的普魯蘭膜進行後續試驗,藉由FT-IR結果可發現O-H振動吸收波峰 (3,300 cm^(-1))強度減弱,因此可證明三偏磷酸添加確實會使得普魯蘭進行交聯反應。而後再將乳酸菌生產之抗菌多肽乳酸鏈球菌素(nisin),添加入普魯蘭膜中,對大腸桿菌(Escherichia coli BCRC11634)、金黃色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus BCRC10451)、李斯特菌(Listeria innocua BCRC14843)、腸炎弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus BCRC10806)等幾種台灣常見的食品病原菌做抗菌的測試。結果顯示,在12小時內可將S. aureus與L. innocua至少下降2個對數值,大腸桿菌則是下降1個對數值。並將此活性普魯蘭材料實際接觸於以接種病原菌的台灣冷凍鯛魚片,觀察其在10天之內的微生物生長情形及肉品腐敗情形,發現在10天之內可以有效減緩L. innocua與V. parahaemolyticus的生長速率,並在第10天觀察到分別下降2.11與1.66個對數值,此結果證明了普魯蘭添加乳酸鏈球菌素活性墊片能有效抑制微生物的生長。期待未來普魯蘭可抗菌且環保的食品活性包裝系統,可以實際應用在食品上並有效降低食品中毒事件發生的機率且延長食品的保存期限。


In this study, trisodium trimetaphosphate (STMP) was used as a crosslinking agent to improve the water resistance and physical properties of pullulan. The decreasing O-H stretching vibration(3,300 cm^(-1)) of crosslinking pullulan in FT-IR spectra indicate a higher degree of crosslinking was formed with increasing concentration of crosslinking reagent. In addition, nisin, a bacteriocin that produced by Lactococcus lactics, was incorporated into the pullulan film to develop an antibacterial food package system. The antibacterial activity of active pullulan film was also tested for common strains: E. coli, S. aureus, L. monocytogenes and V. parahaemolyticus, utilizing in vitro and on the meat. Results demonstrated that nisin and EDTA incorporated pullulan hydrogel could at least reduce 1.12 and 2.72 log of cfu in the S. aureus and L. innocua. In the frozen tilapia food package, frozen tilapia with active pullulan package could surely inhibit the growth of L. innocua and V. parahaemolyticus by at least 2.11 and 1.66 log of cfu in a 10-day test. In summary, the crosslinking strategy effectively improve the hydrophobic property of pullulan, and expect the active pullulan-nisin absorbend pad could apply to food package to extend the shelf life of meat.
