

Our hyperacusis patients can experience many situations that they find difficult. Many have discovered ways and strategies to provide some relief, or at least some avoidance strategies. We recently met with a group of hyperacusis patients and many shared their relief strategies and reviewed many literatures about that. We thought it would useful to share these strategies with fellow clinicians. They should provide some ideas about individualized hyperacusis treatment.


Aazh, H.,McFerran, D.,Salvi, R.,Prasher, D.,Jastreboff, M.,Jastreboff, P.(2014).Insights from the first international conference on hyperacusis: Causes, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment.Noise & Health.16,123-126.
Aazh, H.,Moore, B. C. J.,Prasher, D.(2011).Providing support to school children with hyperacusis.British Journal of School Nursing.6,174-178.
Anari, M.,Axelsson, A.,Eliasson, A.,Magnusson, L.(1999).Hypersensitivity to sound: Questionnaire data, audiometry and classification.Scandinavian Audiology.28,219-230.
Dang, P. T.,Kennedy, T. A.,Gubbels, S. P.(2014).Simultaneous, unilateral plugging of superior and posterior semicircular canal dehiscences to treat debilitating hyperacusis.The Journal of Laryngology & Otology.128,174-178.
Dauman, R.,Bouscau-Faure, F.(2005).Assessment and amelioration of hyperacusis in tinnitus patients.Acta Oto-Laryngologica.125,503-509.
