當前跨性別者人口比例越來越多,其中跨性別女性(男性跨女性)由於在嗓音轉換上經歷困難,因此可能需要嗓音治療的介入,透過改變嗓音,跨性別者將擁有更良好之心理健康與生活品質。有鑑於此,本文回顧了國內外針對跨性別者嗓音治療與評估工具之相關文獻進行初探。在嗓音治療部分,當前針對跨性別女性之介入方法可分為嗓音治療訓練以及外科手術治療兩種,嗓音治療方式包括有嗓音保健運動(vocal hygiene exercises)、音高攀升運動(pitch raising exercises)以及共鳴治療(resonance voice therapy),可以提升基頻和共振峰頻率;手術治療主要目的則在於提升基頻。在評估工具部分,現有的自我評估工具包含視覺類比量表(visual analogue scales)以及跨性別女性嗓音問卷(trans woman voice questionnaire)等,臨床上可進行測量。然而,國內目前文獻仍然稀少,透過本文回顧冀望未來有更多發展與討論。
With the increasing population of transgender nowadays, the Male-to-Female (MtF) transgender people face difficulty in changing their voice and thus need a voice therapy. Changing voice helps transgender people to improve their mental health and quality of life. This study reviews literature of voice therapy and related evaluation tools. Voice femininity for the MtF transgender includes voice training and surgeries. The former refers to vocal hygiene exercises, pitch raising exercises, and resonance voice therapy. The latter includes cricothyroid approximation and Wendler's glottoplasty surgery. As for evaluation tools, visual analogue scales and Trans Woman Voice Questionnaire are available for clinical use. Currently, there is little literature on this topic in Taiwan. More related research is needed in the future.