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Investigation of Work Patterns and Satisfaction of Audiologists in Different Settings in 2022



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Job satisfaction affects medical staff's intention to stay, which requires policy support and operators' attention. To analyze the job satisfaction of audiologists in Taiwan, our study compares 317 existing questionnaire results to their compensation, benefits, and working styles. Overall, audiologists are the most dissatisfied with "regular income", followed by "working space, manpower allocation", "respect from other professionals", and "hardware equipment". Although "respect from patients" scores the best, the average is less than 4 points (with the highest 5 points meaning Very Satisfied), indicating that audiologists feel unsatisfied with all aspects. When separating work fields into five types (including hospitals, hearing clinics, hearing aids stores, (non-)governmental organizations, and schools and colleges), hospitals got the lowest scores in 4 out of 6 satisfaction aspects. We infer reasons including their service mode with high average daily attendance but low duration per person, low proportion of people engaged in rehabilitative audiology, and lack of sufficient consultation flexibility. To solve the issues, it was proposed to review the National Health Insurance comprehensively, establish a new governmental department to attach importance to the development of the allied health profession, provide technical fees to award recognition for professional skills, and move on to advanced expertise. In addition, the study also found that the labor market has shifted to the hearing aid industry, but their registration rates are low. Hence, modifying regulations is recommended to create a friendly environment for practicing.
