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Gesture and Oral Expression: Investigation of Gestures Production During Word Retrieval in Individuals with Aphasia


本研究探討失語症個案在詞彙提取任務中的手勢使用,分析失語症個案和無語言障礙成人在手勢出現頻率及手勢類型之差異,並進一步探究失語症嚴重度和手勢出現次數的相關性。本研究採方便取樣法,共15位失語症個案及與其相配對的15位無語言障礙成人參與研究,研究中會請受試者命名30張低頻圖片和30張高頻圖片,同時,研究者會紀錄受試者在命名圖片時的所有口語答題反應及手勢使用。研究結果顯示失語症組在命名圖片的正確率為49.6%,無語言障礙控制組命名圖片的正確率為82.0%,而失語症組在圖片命名過程中手勢出現的次數(平均18.67次)顯著高於無語言障礙控制組(平均3.13次)(p <. 01),其中又以默劇式手勢(pantomime)(39.1%)及圖像手勢(iconic gesture)(17%)出現次數最多,另外,失語症組和無語言障礙控制組兩組在命名低頻詞彙時出現的手勢次數皆顯著多於命名高頻詞彙(p <. 01),然而,非流暢型失語症和流暢型失語症出現的手勢次數未達顯著差異(p =. 519),且失語症嚴重度與手勢出現次數也未達顯著負相關(p =. 202)。總結來說,當失語症個案出現詞彙提取困難時,時常會出現手勢的使用。

Parallel abstracts

The purpose of this study was to investigate the gesture use of individuals with aphasia in word retrieval tasks, specifically in terms of the differences in the frequency and type of gestures between individuals with aphasia and individuals without language impairments, and the correlation between the severity of aphasia and the frequency of gesture uses. This study adopted a convenience sampling method. A total of 15 individuals with aphasia and 15 matched individuals without language impairments participated in the study. During the test, subjects were asked to name 30 low-frequency pictures and 30 high-frequency pictures, and their verbal responses and gestures produced during the naming process were recorded. Results indicated that the naming accuracy of the aphasia group (49.6%) was significantly lower than the control group (82%). The number of gestures in the aphasia group during the picture naming task (18.67 times) was significantly higher than the control group (3.13 times) (p < .01). The types of gestures that appeared most frequently in the aphasia group were pantomime gestures (39.1%) and iconic gesture (17%). In addition, both the aphasia group and the control group used significantly more gestures when naming low-frequency words than naming high-frequency words (p < .01). However, the number of gestures in the non-fluent aphasia group wasn't significantly higher than the fluent aphasia group (p = .519). In terms of aphasia severity, there was no significant correlation between the severity of aphasia and the number of gestures (p = .202). In summary, gestures are often used when individuals with aphasia have difficulty retrieving words.
