  • 期刊


The Development and Transition of Farmland Conversion and Forestland Occupation




While Taiwan is developing as an industrialized country, there has been appeals for farmland conservation to ensure national food security. Ideally, agricultural land should be utilized for agricultural production, but in reality, the land use plan cannot effectively manage the land utilization. It is found that some farmland was converted into non-agricultural usage, in the meantime, some other land was occupied by agricultural usage. In the 2021 Spatial Planning White Paper published by the construction and planning agency, the ministry of the interior disclosed the transition of land utilization and zoning, and their cross-analysis results from 2006 to 2019. It illustrated the distribution of agricultural usage, manufactural usage, regionary usage, and residential usage in non-urban area, and raised public awareness of the realization of land use plan. Following the result of the 2021 Spatial Planning White Paper, this study aims to expand the understanding of the geography and spatial patterns of agricultural development regarding the non-typical land use besides agri-land for agricultural usage. First, the legal definitions of "agri-land" and "agricultural usage" were investigated. Second, the development and changes of farmland conversion and forestland occupation of each city and county from 2006 to 2019 were explored by overlay analysis, and the number and spatial patterns of the usage-changed plots in the more changed cities and counties were compared. The results indicate that the areas of agri-land and farmland conversion are increasing, while the areas of agricultural usage and forestland occupation are declining. In addition, the spatial patterns of the usage-changed plots will be affected by its corresponding land use and locality. As a pilot study of farmland conversion and forestland occupation, this study provides a reflection of land use arrangement for planners on the one hand, and constructs the preliminary data for further researches on the other hand.


內政部,2022,內政部統計年報,網址:https://ws.moi.gov.tw/001/Upload/OldFile/site_stuff/321/2/year/year.html。瀏覽日期 2022 年 4 月 20 日。
行政院農委會,2022,農業及農地資源盤查結果查詢圖台,網址:https://map.coa.gov.tw/farmland/survey.html。瀏覽日期 2022 年 4 月 20 日。
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