  • 期刊

Performance Evaluation of the Hospital Superintendent after SARS



醫院院長經營管理績效的重要性在歷經SARS風暴的震撼後益顯重要!機構首長的績效標準與績效衡量制度的建立,已經不是只有注重營利的私人企業才需要強調的。以國民健康與社區衛生為戮力目標的各醫療服務機構,其實更需要注重其主事者的經營與領導能力。 機構首長的績效標準莫衷一是。以醫院為例,其院長績效衡量的標準廣義而言包括組織的成效、社區的健康、組織的公關與文化及院長個人的人際及專業技巧等。董事會對醫院院長進行績效評估是確保雙贏的必要措施:醫院藉此得以確認該院長在理念政策的執行上無悖於董事會的期許;而醫院院長藉此得以調整其經營與領導方針並確認其功勳。 本文提供有關醫院院長績效衡量之芻議,其能藉拙論之抛磚,激發更多先進之建言,使我國在迎接下一場類似風暴前,都已有週全之首長團隊引領全國醫療院所前行。


The importance of hospital CEOs, or superintendents, can never be overlooked if we look back on the Taiwan's recent light against severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS. It is now comprehensively agreeable to many that superintendent, or CEO, performance standards and evaluations are not only indispensable in profit-aiming businesses, but also very important in the health care industries. While there are numerous areas that can be looked at in the evaluation process, it is finding the right mix of measures important to the organization that is critical to the effectiveness of the performance evaluation. The broad areas that are often evaluated include organizational results, community health, organizational relationships and culture, and individual and professional skills. The outcome of the evaluation will ultimately benefit both the superintendent and the hospital. The hospital benefits from having the leadership aligned with the goals and mission of the organization. The process allows both the superintendent and board to re-evaluate the measures used for the performance appraisal and makes the necessary adjustments to build for the future. This paper has provided some guidelines and ideas about the process of developing an appropriate superintendent performance evaluation. The performance evaluation must be created by the hospital governing board, along with the input of the superintendent and affected parties. Measures should be aligned with the organization and re-evaluated annually so that the appropriate focus and direction is achieved.
