  • 期刊


Gender, Caring and Medical Ethics


談及「性別」,一方面意謂既定之「生物性」現象”sexuality”,另一方面意指情境內之「社會性」角色”gender”;有學者將後者稱為「性屬」。「性別」之所以成為一個議題,即在於「性屬」上的爭議。在當今社會,女性仍居於弱勢的情況下,社會上的女性角色與地位即成為性屬爭議的焦點。自傳統以來,醫學向來居於「科學中立」卻又是以男性觀點為主的父構思維面對疾病(disease)與病痛(illness):加之理性掛帥的傳統倫理思辨,不自覺地忽略了「人」之差異性的存在。「性別」和「性屬」意識隨即隱沒於醫學的論述中,因而在醫療實踐上產生漠視性別的現象,發主許多性別不對等的案件;醫學倫理的論述與實踐勢必要向不同向度伸展,開顯苻應時代的倫理思維。當今關於「人」的觀念已走向「差異」概念, 迎向「他者」(the other)的存在關係上的思維;當今「為他人」的倫理學也就在如此的思維下相應而出。 女性主義者提出之以「關懷情感」為基礎的「關懷倫理學」(Ethics of Care),似乎也在如此的氛圍內嶄露頭角。於是,建構以關懷情感為基礎的醫學倫理即成為當然之趨勢。本文也就在如此意向下所做的嘗試。


To talk about sex, it means the appearance of living creature that is already decided, sexuality, on the one hand, on the other hand, it indicates the role of society that is gender in some situations. Sex is going to be a subject that lies exactly on the argument of gender. Nowadays, females are still residing in inferior situations with a result that the role and position of female in the society become the focus of the argument of gender. Traditionally, medicine is always in the position of science neutrality but in the standpoint of male as principle to face disease and illness, and plus the ethical speculation of pro-rational tradition with the result that it is imperceptibly to neglect the differentiation of person. The consciousness of sexuality and gender is promptly faded in the expositions of medicine, and thus to give rise the appearances of ignoring gender with a result to arise many cases of gender inequality. Therefore, the expositions and practices of medicine are necessary to extend to different dimensions in order to open and appear the ethical thinking that tallies the times. Today, the idea of man is already to move toward the conception of differentiation and head for the thinking of the existential relationship of the other, and the ethics of ”for the other” emerges, corresponding exactly to such thinking. It seems that feminists are raising the Ethics of Care that is based on the sentiments of caring is precisely exposed in the air of such thinking. Then it becomes a tendency as it should be, to construct the medical ethics that is based on the sentiments of caring. This paper is prepared for a try under such an intention.


sexuality gender caring the Ethics of Care Medical Ethics



