  • 期刊

The Search for a Integral Antropological Vision



After a short way of development of Bioethics and showed the way of legitimation, the Autors are discuassing about ouer Post-uhuman fture. That is the development of a more inclusive approach in bioethics. In terms of human improvement, this means that our bodies will be repaired or improved by realities from the animal or mechanical world (the beginning of post-humanism?). Lastly, in addition to the personal projections of our scientific perceptions and our systems of values, it is our responsibility to build the future. It is not the future that we should fear but a future without bioethics, given that without bioethics it may be that there will even not be a future! For the good of our lives and the lives of future generations we can say that the guarantee of our survival in the future is without doubt the cultivation of bioethical values today!


Bioethics history science ethics chalanges
