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A study on the Cluster Phenomenon of Stores in Center Business District -- a Case Study in Tainan center business district




商圈 聚集 中心商業區 判別分析


Traditionally, the strategy of selecting the location of a retail store is based on the distance with a competitor to avoid the overlapping of business and to assure the basic market share of the store in the area. But, in reverse, it's easy to be found that same type of stores are neighboring each other in the downtown area of a big city. This research names this kind of commercial phenomenon as ”clustering” . Due there are too much stores to get together in downtown-even on the same street, the same types of stores must overlap with each other undoubtedly. It shows that the traditional theory of selecting the stores location is completely improper to the real situation happened in downtown area. Therefore, it is valuable to probe into all these same type of stores in gathering. Why do these same type of stores get together closely, and how can they still get the profits. This study takes Tainan's downtown as an instance. We investigated along the main commercial streets to check the professions of the stores there. Then, by using the results after the investigation, we can analyze the occupational structure of the stores on the main streets and their characteristics. We select the most presented stores as research samples. Through the use of random probability on stores distribution, we can identify whether selected type of stores cluster or not. At Tainan's downtown, we take three kinds professions as samples-wedding garment stores, book stores, and computer stores. By using our analysis, we can find out the relationship between management efficiency and the intensity of same type of stores in gathering.


蔡宜礽(2012)。臺南市「中正商圈」在哪裡? ─ 一個有關範圍與認知的初探〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.02128
