  • 期刊


A Study of the Opinions of Elementary School Teachers on the Ministry of Education Trial on "Teacher Professional Development Evaluation"-An Example of Taipei County


本研究旨在瞭解國民小學教師對「we」的意見,為達本研究之目的,採取調查研究法,普查390位參與試辦的教師,調查問卷回收有效樣本324份,佔總樣本數之83.1%。針對問卷調查所蒐集資料,分別以次數百分比與卡方考驗進行資料分析,並輔以實地訪談6位研究對象所得資料,獲致主要研究結論如下: 一、絕大多數參與試辦教師贊同教師專業發展評鑑之形成性評鑑目的。 二、應以「同儕評鑑」為主要評鑑方式,並採取「教師教學觀察」進行評鑑資料蒐集。 三 、 自我評鑑宜每年實施一次,校內評鑑則以每三年一次較佳,另未來仍應重視「取得教師共識」與「確立法源基礎」等配套措施。 四、大多數參與試辦教師贊同評鑑整體宣導說明與學校評鑑人員的專業能力。 五 、試辦的過程中,校長的實際影響力最大,其次才是教務主任與教師同儕。 六、絕大多數參與試辦教師贊同教師專業發展評鑑能促進教師專業知識分享,且能有效輔導及協助評鑑結果欠佳教師。 七、大多數參與試辦教師,表示贊同整體試辦成效,另「教師參與意願」與「學校規模」等變項,為主要影響教師整體意見的因素。 八、參與試辦教師認為主要的遭遇困境,依序為「教師參與及對話時間有限」、「教師工作負擔沉重」、「欠缺具體可行的評鑑規準」、「欠缺法源基礎,教師缺乏參與意願」及「學校人力與經費資源不足」。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the opinions of elementary school teachers on ”A trial program of teacher professional development evaluation held by The Ministry of Education”. To reach purposes, we census 390 participating teachers as the samples, 324 valid questionnaires were returned at a valid return rate of 83.1%. The samples were analyzed by using statistic methods of frequency percentage, Chi-Square test, and so on. Then we used method of interview, after analyzing and discussing collected data, the following conclusions was obtained: 1. Most of the participating teachers approve the formative purpose of teacher professional development evaluation. 2. Most teachers endorse ”peer appraisal” as main method of evaluation, and accept ”on-site teaching observation” as a chief form of compiling evaluation data. 3. They consider that conducting a self-appraisal for once a school year and school internal appraisal for once every three years are most favorable. 4. Most teachers endorse entire promotions and interpretations of teacher evaluation, and have faith in expertise of evaluators. 5. During the process of trial program, the principal has more actual influence on the evaluation than the director of educational affairs division and teachers do. 6. Most of the participating teachers agree that teacher professional development evaluation can increase sharing professional knowledge and give mentoring to teachers who are not able to meet the evaluation standard. 7. A vast majority of teachers are in favor of the outcomes of trial program. In general, ”teachers' own will of participating” and ”school scale” are two major factors that affect their overall opinions. 8. The first five main difficulties that they encountered during the implementing period in turn are: (1) Having limited time to join the evaluation and communicate with each other. (2) Having a heavy workload for teachers. (3) Requiring specific and practical evaluation criteria. (4) Lacking legal basis for support and teacher's will to participate. (5) Being shortage of personnel and funding resources.


吳和堂(2002)。論析美國加州San Bernardino學區教師評鑑的特色。國立高雄師範大學教育學系教育學刊。18,113-134。


