  • 期刊

臺灣學生數學學習成就因素的探討:以參與TIMSS 2015的國中為例

The Factors of Achievement in Mathematics Learning of Taiwan Students: Evidence from Junior High Schools Participating in TIMSS 2015


學生數學學習成就的差異對數學成就的影響一直以來受到忽視。本研究以臺灣參加TIMSS 2015的190所國中資料探討影響數學學習成就的因素,以學校為單位進行多元迴歸分析探究。獲得以下結論:一、各校校內的學生數學學習成就的差異性對數學學習成就為負向顯著影響,可以解釋數學學習成就高達31%,而學習數學信心正向顯著數學學習成就,也可解釋數學習學成就20%。二、學校所在地區人口數與學校重視學業程度對數學學習成就都正向顯著影響,兩者解釋力各為10%及6%。3.學校弱勢學生比率對數學學習成就為負向顯著影響,代表學校弱勢學生比率愈高,數學學習成就愈低,解釋力為2%。針對上述結論,提出實務及未來研究建議。


The issues of difference in mathematics ability among students resulting in different mathematics achievement have been ignored. Data from the Trend International Mathematics and Science Survey in 2015 (TIMSS 2015) were used to investigate variables that predicted mathematics achievement in 190 schools in Taiwan. The study analyzed the school as a unit, and used the method of multiple regression analysis to obtain the following conclusions: 1. The differences in mathematics abilities of students in each school had a significant negative impact on mathematics achievement, which can explain mathematics achievement as high as 31%, while learning mathematics confidence was positive for significant mathematics achievement, and can also explain mathematics achievement 20%. 2. The population of the school district and the school's emphasis on academic performance had a positive impact on mathematics achievement. The explanatory power of was 10% and 6% respectively. 3. The ratio of disadvantaged students in schools had a significant negative impact on mathematics achievement. The higher the ratio of disadvantaged students in schools, the lower the mathematics achievement. The explanatory power of this variable was 2%. In response to the above conclusions, practical and future research proposals were proposed.


