  • 期刊


Influence of the Education Act for Indigenous Peoples on the Study Rights of Indigenous Students




The purpose of this research is to discuss the influences of the Taiwanese Education Act for Indigenous Peoples on the study rights of indigenous students. The emphasis is on the three main aspects of the problem awareness. First is to explore the pressures and difficulties faced by indigenous students in the current education system in Taiwan. Next is to find out the support and assistance to indigenous students' learning after passing of Education Act for Indigenous Peoples. At finally, to study the integration and changes of indigenous student curriculum after the reformation of the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum in 2010. We have three conclusions of this research: 1. The indigenous education helps to improve the relationship between the indigenous and the Taiwanese society, so that the education reform can build a solid foundation for the indigenous education revolution. 2. In passing of the Education Act for Indigenous Peoples legislation, there are five main aspects, which are, targeting a larger group for indigenous education, improving the administrative support system, promoting the participation of the indigenous people, strengthening the training for teachers, and deepening the education of ethnic groups. This realization of the right in education for genuine indigenous students preserves the cultural and traditional assets of their ethnic groups. 3. The purpose of the education for indigenous peoples in the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines is to implement multicultural education and to promote the national education for indigenous peoples. It is hoped that relevant supporting measures can be implemented gradually. This research provides an in-depth discussion on indigenous education issues through the practicing of indigenous students' right to study, in hope to provide a reference point for future discussion of the reform directions.


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