  • 期刊


Cross-National Comparison of Elementary School Teacher Standards




Teacher professional standards (or simplified as teacher standards) can influence the teacher preparation, teacher certification, teacher selection, teacher appointment and teacher evaluation. Studying and proposing teacher standards are important and necessary. Ministry of Education of ROC has declared the National Teacher Professional Standards and the National Teacher Professional Literacy. There are some differences between the contents of the teacher standards and teacher literacy and teachers may feel confused. The study focused on elementary school teachers and the similarity, difference and characteristics between the teacher standards and teacher literacy are discussed. Moreover, the researchers compared the teacher standards and teacher literacy of ROC with the national teacher standards of Hong Kong (HKSAR), mainland China (PRC), England, Scotland, Wales, Australian and America. The frameworks of teacher standards among five political entities are different. The idea bases and elements of teacher standards are also similar. But its detail contents of teacher standards in teacher's necessary beliefs, knowledges, skills as well as performances have some differences, and these political entities put some local characteristics in their teacher standards. The study also proposed a classification framework, an ideal model of conducting regulation and influential process, and a developmental based mode for teacher standards which can as references to conduct and research teacher standards. According to the findings, MOE should declare clearly the positions of teacher standards and teacher literacy, propose more concrete descriptions toward performance indicators, and engage to connect teacher standards to teacher career development. Moreover, researchers can explore the benefits of implementing teacher standard as well as test the developmental models and theories toward teacher standard.


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